Friday, April 30, 2010

Little Brother 2

Wow, this book just got extremely good in terms of the storyline. Basically what happens is that a terrorist bomb goes off near where he is located and he is abducted by the United States government for questioning because they think he is the terrorist who caused the bombing. And if he disobeys them he is punished severely. They just got out of the prison where they were detained but I'm sure they're being watched by the government. This twist in the book also opened up new possibilities for the story like a rebellion by the kids or the abolishment of this government terrorist prison. Something suspicious that made me think though was that when he went to check his laptop after he gets home from the jail, his case is misfigured and it wasn't working properly so I bet some special forces broke into his house and bugged his computer so they could track his conversations and information. Darryl, Marcus's best friend, was stabbed during the bombing and soon seperated from Marcus and the others and is now missing. This is very interesting because he was in critical condition when the government picked them up so you don't know if he's dead or alive.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Little Brother blog

The begginning of Little Brother is pretty good. At first I just saw it as an awful attempt at a 40 year old trying to relate to teens with old slang and non funny jokes, but the book has a decent storyline and some cool details. I found the idea of Harajuka Fun Madness pretty pathetic because first of all the name just sounds stupid and also the whole premise of the game sounds like no fun. But so far I enjoy the main character and his ability at pissing off teachers and also his technical know how. The storyline is based around rebellion with computers which sounds intriguing and I think the book has some serious potential. So I'm gonna keep reading and hopefully I'll be able to ignore the bad slang and focus on the storyline and the main characters.